Amy Stursberg - Executive Director Blackstone Charitable Foundation
Had the great pleasure on Monday to meet Amy Stursberg - the Executive Director of the Blackstone Charitable Foundation.
The Blackstone Charitable Foundation was founded at the time of Blackstone's Initial Public Offering in 2007, and is focused on directing its resources and applying the intellectual capital of the firm to foster entrepreneurship globally.
The Foundation has committed to a five-year, $50 million Entrepreneurship Initiative to create connected networks, or “ecosystems”, of master coaches in regions across the nation and around the world. Their generous donation to fund the creation of the Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network of Colorado (an initiative that I serve on the Board of) is a great blessing for our state and we are all indebted to Amy, and John Gray at Blackstone for such a generous gift and the vision to help us create such a cool network.
Amy is a great person and truly dedicated to the mission of fostering entrepreneurship globally and it was a treat to get to know her and work together on this important effort!