Colorado Governor Bill Ritter
Truly honored to be asked last week to join as a founding member of Governor Ritter's Innovation Council. The Governor announced the formation and mission of the Council at the CSIA Demo 2007 event last Thursday. The mission of the Council, as envisioned by The Colorado Promise, is to bring together entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, leaders from established technology companies, government officials, pioneers in the non-profit world, and academics to promote innovation in Colorado’s technology sector, government, and academic institutions.
The first three key initiatives include: (1) developing a plan to facilitate broadband deployment throughout the state; (2) assist the State CIO as a sounding board on Colorado state government’s effective and efficient use of technology; and (3) support the Governor’s Office of Economic Development as international ambassadors and champions of Colorado’s technology industries and promoting Colorado as an ideal place to nurture technological development and start-up companies.
All three initiatives are worthwhile but I am especially excited about the first. The Council includes a great group of leaders including Phil Weiser (CU), Cathy Fogler (Charter), Don Gips (Level3), Dick Green (CableLabs), Brad Feld (Foundry Group), Monty Sooter (ClickBank), Juan Rodriquez (Exabyte) and others and I am honored to be asked to be a part of it!