WildBlue's First Customer - David and Theresa Tuttle together with WildBlue CEO, Tom Moore and COO Ken Carroll
Big day in the WildBlue world today! We installed our first customer, David and Theresa Tuttle of Strasburg, Colorado marking the start of nationwide availability of the WildBlue service. The Tuttle’s live over two miles from their nearest neighbor and had only dialup prior to the WildBlue installation. “This is going to be so awesome,” exclaimed Thersa. “We are so excited. We have tumbleweeds and dirt, no Kmart or big grocery store, and I have no complaints as far as that goes. But with the digital world and where we’re headed, getting on the Internet just isn’t fast enough.” The Tuttles own and operate a professional photography business and should benefit greatly from the higher speeds.
“Rural areas though out this country now have an affordable option to receive reliable high-speed broadband Internet access,” said United States Congressman Mark Udall in support of the new WildBlue service. “The benefits the Internet has provided are invaluable. However, access to this technology has created a divide between haves and have-nots in our country. I am excited at the new opportunities being presented to rural communities by WildBlue and I support them as they begin to provide this service though out the state and the nation.”