University of Colorado
I was asked to join the Advisory Board for the CU Graduate Telecom program and am happy to be a part of such a great group. ITP was the first program of its kind, and it continues to lead. ITP is a highly integrated and comprehensive program combining technology, policy and business. As the longest running telecom program, ITP has well over 3000 graduates in companies from eBay to Google to Yahoo, from Brocade to Cisco to Comcast, and start-ups, as well as the leading government agencies of many countries.
CU-Boulder is a tier 1 research university and the College of Engineering and Applied Science is ranked among the top 40 engineering graduate schools in the nation. The Interdisciplinary Telecom Program offers a wide selection of study in the most important and emerging fields of networking, security, wireless communications and telecom policy.
The board of ITP includes many professionals with whom I am pleased to be working, including Kenneth Fellman (partner, Kissinger & Fellman, PC); Ilse Gayl (Chaiman, OneRain, Inc); Richard Green (former CEO, CableLabs); Dale Hatfield (Senior Fellow, Silicon Flatirons Center); Steve Mace (Senior Director, Systems Technology, National Cable & Telecommunications Association); Roger B. Marks (Consultant, Consensii, LLC); Terry Mayes (Director, Academic Programs and Assessment, College of Engineering and Applied Science CU-Boulder); Robert F. McKenzie (Director, Crown Castle International); Boli Medappa (Managing Director, Hermes Consulting Group); and Pieter Poll (Sr Vice President, Network Services, CenturyLink).